Meagan and Kris’s marriage seemed destined from the start; as little kids they were already professing their love for one another (at least from Meagan’s end). It’s amazing they had even kept all this stuff! I love this line from young Meagan in her journal, spelling mistakes and all: “Kristopher is chaseing us because we all was do triks on him so we hafte to hide on him then it gets evein werser.”
December was a pretty mild offering this year. Ella and James’s wedding didn’t look like it was going to have any snow, that is, until the day before. You couldn’t have asked for better timing—in the summer you hope for a little sun, but in the winter you hope for that magic line between too cold, and just cold enough. The snow clinging to the branches in the above shot had fallen only hours before Ella and James had arrived. Details like that can’t be faked (not without an expensive movie crew on location) so it’s nice when you get lucky sometimes.